Cape Wind makes the cover of The New Yorker!
This totally awesome image says so so much about this project’s years-long approval process. Which, by the way, is still not over even though Interior Secretary Ken Salazar gave it the thumb’s up last month.
Native American groups still oppose the wind farm, which they say desecrates sacred ground. That’s an argument that may still carry some weight, I think, though other groups that claimed the project could interfere with fishermen and wildlife probably have little ground to continue their appeals.
But this cover – so fun. A pilgrim (that would be Cape Cod locals, I assume) riding a whale (to represent fishermen? Or is that pro-environmental groups?) tilting at windmills. Are they saying the whole Cape Wind debate was a Don Quixote-style fight they could never win? A total waste of time?
But for who – Cape Cod residents who opposed the wind farm project, or environmentalists who embrace green energy?
The ambiguity is the best part.